Get Outside in March

By MDC | March 1, 2022
From Missouri Conservationist: March 2022

Goose Roundup

Snow geese and other waterfowl are moving through Missouri, especially at national wildlife refuges and other large wetland sanctuaries. Their multitudes are a breathtaking sight. Listen for large V- and W-shaped flocks of snow geese flying overhead, including at nighttime. Their white wings reflect city lights below and look silvery against the night sky.

A Weed or Delicious Delicacy?

The common dandelion pops up and dots the landscape with its bright yellow flowerheads, to the disdain of most landscapers. Rather than thinking of it as an annoying weed, think of it as a delicious edible plant. Fry the flowerheads like you would morels or put them into pancakes. Or pick their tender new leaves and have them in a salad. Be sure to forage your wild edibles in places where pesticides have not been used.

Fields of Color

Henbit carpets entire fields with pinkish-purple flowers in early spring. Although it is almost universally viewed as a weed, this nonnative mint is not a serious one because its roots are shallow, and it fades before crops begin to grow. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees drink nectar from these early-blooming flowers, and some species of birds consume the tiny seeds.

Fishing for a Living Fossil

Paddlefish season opens March 15. Like a small shark, the paddlefish nearly lacks scales and has a cartilaginous skeleton. And like a baleen whale, it filters its dinner from the water. No other fish alive today has a paddle for a snout. For the latest information on paddlefish, including new length limits and a new definition on snagging, check the Wildlife Code of Missouri at or A Summary of Fishing Regulations at

Native Plants: NatureScaping Workshop

Saturday, March 12, 8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Burr Oak Woods Conservation Nature Center, 1401 NW Park Road, Blue Springs, MO 64015

Registration required by March 4 (125 seats).

Call 888-283-0364 or email

Ages 18 and older

Our popular NatureScaping event is back for 2022! At this free workshop, you will learn how to beautify your landscape with some of Missouri’s best natural resources, native plants. There will be educational sessions on native plants for beginners, pollinators, natives for containers, and many more. And you don’t want to miss our special guest speaker, Lenora Larson, local butterfly expert and native plant enthusiast. Plus, we will have a native plant sale so attendees can purchase plants and use their new knowledge to start native gardens at home.

Find more events in your area at


Nearly everyone — regardless of age, size, or physical ability — can succeed at archery. The Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program (MoNASP) helps build stronger, more confident, and accomplished kids by teaching the basics of archery as part of school curriculum.

School archery programs:

  • Improve school attendance
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Increase physical activity
  • Appeal to all students

Plus, an Archery Equipment Rebate program and maintenance grants are available.

Bring the program to your school! Learn more at

Natural Events to See This Month

Here’s what’s going on in the natural world.

  • Crayfishes become active.
  • Spring azures are one of the earliest butterflies to emerge.
  • Three-toed box turtles become active.
  • Prairie ring-necked snakes begin mating.
  • Mourning doves are nesting.

This Issue's Staff

Magazine Manager - Stephanie Thurber
Editor - Angie Daly Morfeld
Associate Editor - Larry Archer
Photography Editor - Cliff White
Staff Writer - Kristie Hilgedick
Staff Writer - Joe Jerek
Staff Writer – Dianne Van Dien
Designer - Shawn Carey
Designer - Marci Porter
Photographer - Noppadol Paothong
Photographer - David Stonner
Circulation - Laura Scheuler