Click or swipe to keep up to date on MDC programs and events

News from the region
Published Date

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) wants to remind people they can stay informed about upcoming programs at nearby MDC facilities and events elsewhere in the state on their phones, tablets, or computers.

Signing up for text alerts, e-mail bulletins and other notices is a great way to get connected with MDC’s programs and stay up to date on facility schedules in these COVID-influenced times that are still affecting MDC work and event schedules.

Notifications of upcoming events are sent from MDC nature centers and education centers around the state. Here are links that will hook up your social media devices with upcoming events at these MDC sites in southwest and south-central Missouri:

Springfield Conservation Nature Center (Greene County)

Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center (Greene County)

Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center (Taney County)

Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center (Newton County)

Twin Pines Conservation Education Center (Shannon County)

When people go to any of the links listed above and enter their information, they can enter their e-mail or phone number and they will be signed up to receive notifications from the site connected to that link. (All of the above-listed links go to what appears to be the same page, but entering your information will get you connected with a specific MDC facility.)

People can receive both text alerts and e-mails from an MDC facility, but they must subscribe for each notification separately (i.e., they can subscribe for a text alert for a specific facility and then use the same link to subscribe for e-mail notifications from that same site.)

Anyone with questions on how to sign for these services can call the above-listed facilities at these numbers:

  • Springfield Conservation Nature Center: 417-888-4237
  • Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center: 417-742-4361
  • Shepherd of the Hills Conservation Center: 417-334-4865, ext. 0
  • Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center: 417-629-3434
  • Twin Pines Conservation Education Center: 573-325-1381.

Callers should note that MDC’s Twin Pines facility is closed until April 1 (trails are open but the building is closed). People can call MDC’s Ozark Regional Office in West Plains, 417-256-7161, for information on how to connect with Twin Pines staff.