Jay Henges Shooting Range offers two Bore Sighting and Deer Firearm Sight In programs in October

News from the region
Saint Louis
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EUREKA, Mo.—Fall firearms seasons are already here.  If that trusty rifle has been sitting in its case since last year, the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reminds hunters that now is the time to get it out and make sure it shoots as accurately as possible. 

MDC’s Jay Henges Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center is hosting two Bore Sighting and Deer Firearm Sight In programs in October to help hunters prepare their firearm to get its best field accuracy. 

The classes are free; however, online registration is required using the following links:

As both classes are identical, participants should sign up for the one most convenient for them. 

Sighting in a firearm and firing plenty of sighting rounds before heading out for the hunt is essential to allow hunters to get used to the recoil, the muzzle blast, and the firearm’s handling characteristics. This is also important for those who may have gotten a new scope since last year.  A properly sighted-in firearm means placing shots more accurately as to ensure a clean and ethical harvest of game. 

The class will cover bore sighting, the process of aligning the center of a rifle’s barrel with the scope on the firearm.  Hunters can then fine tune their scopes or sights on Henge’s 100-yard target range.  MDC shooting range staff will be on hand to bore sight scopes and assist in sighting in rifles.  Participants should bring their own firearm and ammunition.

The Jay Henges Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center is located at 1100 Antire Road, off the I-44 #269 exit, in Eureka.

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