MDC invites people to learn about crossbows at Sept. 7 program

News from the region
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ASH GROVE, Mo. – Thanks to changes in Missouri’s hunting regulations in recent years, an increasing number of outdoor enthusiasts have added crossbows to the tools they can use to pursue some types of wild game.

People can get tips on how to safely operate a crossbow on Sept. 7 by signing up for “Learning Archery: Crossbow,” a free Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) program at MDC’s Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center. The program will be 6-7:30 p.m. Individuals ages 15 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Topics to be covered during the first part of the program taught in the Dalton Range’s classroom include crossbow nomenclature, hand placement, stance, loading, drawing the string, sighting, care, cleaning, and storage. Participants will then have a chance to shoot crossbows at Dalton’s static and 3-D archery ranges. Participants can either bring their own crossbows or use ones furnished by Dalton Range staff.

People can register for this event at:

MDC’s Andy Dalton Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center is located in Greene County at 4897 N. Greene County Farm Road 61 near Ash Grove. People can stay informed about upcoming programs at the Dalton Range and other MDC facilities by signing up for text alerts and e-mail bulletins. People who have questions about how to sign up for text alerts from the Dalton Range can call 417-742-4361.

Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding in-person and virtual programs. A listing of these programs can be found at