MDC offers prescribed fire workshops in northeast Missouri

News from the region
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KIRKSVILLE, Mo. - The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) invites landowners interested in learning about prescribed burning as a method of boosting wildlife habitat and reducing less desirable plant species to free prescribed fire workshops in northeast Missouri in February and March.  MDC staff will discuss methods and techniques for implementing controlled burns, safety considerations, and proper weather conditions for conducting a burn. The workshops will also cover how to create a burn plan and time the burn based on your management objectives and landscape.

“These workshops are great for landowners who would like to learn about using prescribed fire as a tool to improve wildlife habitat on their property,” said MDC Private Land Conservationist John Pinkowski. “While uncontrolled wildfires can harm habitat and property, controlled use of prescribed fire can actually improve the health of natural ecosystems.”

Each workshop will consist of a classroom session, followed by a demonstration burn, weather permitting (Monroe County workshop will not include a demonstration burn). Attendees should bring field clothing (cotton or wool; no synthetics), leather boots and gloves to wear for the demonstration burn. The workshops are free to attend, but participants must preregister. 

Find a prescribed fire workshop near you, and register today:

  • Knox County USDA Service Center — 56187 State Hwy. 6 in Edina
    9 a.m. – mid-afternoon, Saturday, Feb. 10
    Register by Feb. 7
    Call John Pinkowski, Private Land Conservationist, at 660-397-2223 ext. 3
  • Monroe County USDA Service Center — 18771 Hwy. 15 in Paris
    6 – 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23
    Register by Feb. 21
    Call Jamie Ebbesmeyer, Private Land Conservationist, at 660-327-4117 ext. 3
  • Macon NRCS Office – 2108 U.S. Hwy. 63, Macon
    9 a.m. – early afternoon, Saturday, March 24
    Register by March 20
    Call Ted Seiler, Private Land Conservationist, at 660-385-2616 ext. 118 

MDC works with you and for you to sustain healthy fish, forests, and wildlife.  For more information on prescribed fire, go to