Samantha Rhoades named new conservation agent for Osage County

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OSAGE COUNTY, Mo. – The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) has appointed Samantha Rhoades as a new conservation agent in Osage County. Rhoades is among eight new agents of the Department's agent graduate class of 2015.

Rhoades received her bachelor's degree in Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture with a concentration in Conservation Law Enforcement from Mississippi State University in December 2014. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, she lived in Nesbit, Mississippi, since she was three years old. She moved to Missouri to become a conservation agent trainee in April 2015.

"I enjoy deer hunting and squirrel hunting," Rhoades says. "I like to go hiking with my dogs and play sports with friends. I love the outdoors because there is always something new to see when you step outside. There is so much to see and the only way to see it is to get out and see it."

Rhoades added that being outdoors is like being in a comfort zone.

"Everything about nature is fascinating to me and I love to learn about plants and animals and how they fit into our natural world," she says. "I feel conservation is very important because there are many beautiful places that future generations will not be able to see if we do not take care of it. Growing up and being outdoors most of the time was a big part of my upbringing and I want to ensure that my children and other people's children have the same opportunities I had to go explore and learn new things."

Rhoades said that she is here to be a member of the community people can trust. "I want to be an aid to people who use our outdoor resources and to those that want to," she said. "I want to help get people more interested in the outdoors."

Contact Osage County Conservation Agent Samantha Rhoades at or by calling 573-690-3989.